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Student support and guidance

Student Advisor

The student advisor at RITCS is a listening ear for various school-related or study-related issues, which can include financial, psychological, or academic problems. The student advisor listens, advises, and helps you find appropriate support through the right channels.

If you are experiencing difficulties in creating a study or work schedule, or if you find it challenging to process the study material, the study advisor can assist you in finding effective study methods or help you create a tailored study plan. If necessary, a long-term study support programme can be developed in consultation.

The student advisor also assists you in applying for additional facilities and following up on your case in the context of a disability or reasonable accommodations (e.g., during pregnancy, for working students, or for athletes at a high level). Together with the programme coordinators, they will determine how best to support students with specific issues.

The student advisor is easily accessible. If you wish to visit, it’s best to make an appointment via email (

Academic Advisor

Do you have questions about your study path? Were the exams not what you expected, and do you have questions about possible resits? Would you like to apply for the "top sports and studies" status? For these types of inquiries, you can turn to the academic advisor.

Katrien Fauville, the academic advisor, will help you reflect on the most efficient learning pathway and, through her expert support, ensure that your academic journey runs smoothly.

Contact: Katrien Fauville
+32 (0)2 507 14 61


Anyone who encounters a problem or conflict during their time at RITCS can contact Jan Bulckaen from the Ombuds Service.

The ombudsman ensures the protection of students' rights and can act as a mediator in conflicts, whether between students or between students and faculty.

The ombudsman strives to maintain neutrality in all situations and to uphold the trust placed in them. Discretion is key in this role.

If a complaint arises that must be handled by an examination or disciplinary committee, the ombudsman will gather all necessary information to allow the committee to form a fair judgment. They will report any special circumstances, as permitted, and will ensure that the complaint is thoroughly and appropriately addressed, looking out for the interests of all parties involved. Sometimes, the ombudsman is assisted by the social services of EhB, STUVO, and/or the Education Department of the central EhB administration.

The education and examination regulations can be found under the information for students section, and for further explanations or additional information, you are always welcome at the Ombuds Service.

The ombudsman is easily accessible via email (